FTSE100 HR Chatbot Decreases Inbox Traffic by 43%

Product used: SaaS HR chatbot.
As ubisend's client base continues to grow so does our commitment to a variety of non-disclosure agreements. Though we cannot disclose our client's name, we hope this case study still inspires you.
Our client is an FTSE 100, global organisation. Like many organisations of their size, they turn to chatbots to solve growing human resources challenges.
Spanning 75 countries and employing over 100,000 individuals, HR is a core part of their business. With recruitment becoming ever more competitive, preventing employee churn and giving the appropriate amount of care to the current workforce are priorities.
The challenges of servicing a global workforce
Our client came to us as part of their digital transformation journey.
Like many going through such an important change in HR, building efficiencies utilising new technology was a key objective.
As a global solutions provider, we know our first correspondence is important. We need to utilise this time to immerse ourselves into the client's world, fully understand their problems and ensure we are well-positioned to deliver a solution that both our client and ubisend would be proud of.
Their problem stemmed from two key areas.
Time zone challenges
As a global organisation, they have a requirement to serve employees in multiple different time zones.
With the HR department located at the London head office, satisfying this requirement proved to become ever more challenging.
They resulted in offering an out of hours service, a resource-intensive approach.
Dealing with growing numbers of enquiries
The second key challenge our client faced is almost the most common: a growing number of HR enquiries.
At the time of our initial contact, they received about 100 enquiries per week (and growing). The HR reps just didn't have enough coverage to response in a personal and timely fashion.
Human challenges and technology
Our clients also were also concerned about using technology to rectify these issues.
The HR team pride themselves in providing tailored and personal responses to employees. They felt pushing employees into a computer program it would worsen the experience of dealing with HR at their company, rendering it impersonal.
Solution: a front-line, experience-first HR chatbot
To solve our client's challenges, we needed to build a solution that:
- helps employees during out of hours, across time zones,
- reduces the number of enquiries that hit HR's central inbox, and,
- achieves these two things whilst providing a personal, user-centric experience to the employees interacting with it.
Breaking down a complex HR solution rollout
Once we'd spent some time fully understanding our client's requirements, we focused on the build and delivery.
A front-line, experience-first HR chatbot is a complex solution. We encouraged our client to break down the build.
We delivered phase one as a lightweight proof of concept chatbot and rolled it out for three months.
This allows us time to focus on the rollout and engagement rates of the employees to help drive enquiries away from the centralised inbox (which was one of their success metrics).
Additionally, it helps us ensure high accuracy level of the natural language processing engine which drives the chatbot. From experience, we know it is really important we gain the trust of the employees from the early stages of the project by answering their questions correctly.
As part of the proof of concept, we limited the rollout to the UK & Ireland. We did this to ensure the personality and accuracy levels are in place before providing the global rollout.
Three-months implementation and feedback
At the close of the three months proof of concept, we scheduled some time to review the data.
We put a great emphasis on regularly reviewing the chatbot's performance, even in proof of concept stage. At the end of the initial three-months implementation, our client now had a decision to make on whether the results are worth building upon.
The immediate impact of an HR chatbot rollout
At the proof of concept stage, we focus on two key metrics: engagement and central inbox traffic.
Our client achieved a 43% decrease in enquiries to their central inbox, essentially giving HR reps close to half of their time back.
Most importantly, 73% of the total workforce across the UK & Ireland engaged with the chatbot at some point during the three month period. Monitoring this metric ensures we evaluate the impact of the chatbot at a company-wide scale.
Additionally, we measured accuracy rates based on asking the employees if the answer to their question was helpful. Our client achieved a 68% accuracy rate at our first pass.
How much would an HR chatbot save your organisation? Find out with our Cost-Saving Impact of an HR Chatbot calculator!
Conclusion: growth and worldwide rollout
Our client surpassed our expectations during this proof of concept which made it an easy decision to scale their solution. Our reflection on the results allows us to continue to tailor our approach to the second rollout.
Start decreasing traffic to your HR inbox. Talk to chatbot experts.