Private data should remain private. With ubisend, you can mark any conversation step as sensitive, masking the data and making it invisible to your platform users.
Control every piece of data your chatbot captures.
Mark any step of any conversation as containing sensitive information. As your chatbot collects personal data, it masks any user responses to sensitive steps.
Masked information cannot be displayed inside the ubisend platform. As you navigate through chat transcripts, any piece of sensitive information is replaced by a placeholder informing the user.
Allow your team to navigate through the platform without fear of breaching privacy policies or divulging personal information.
Create excellent automation, regardless of masked data.
Masked data is only invisible within the ubisend platform, to your team's human eyes. It is still collected, recorded, and available to use for any of your automated processes.
Do you need to capture sensitive information as part of a data collection and integration process? While masked data will not appear inside the platform, it is still available to be sent as part of your integration.
Create a safe space for your team as they use the ubisend platform, without sacrificing efficiency.