Enhance your employee experience with Facebook Workplace chatbots. Bring a powerful, automated employee assistant to your Workplace chat.
Give your employees a powerful, automated ally.
Is Facebook Workplace the communication tool that dominates all employee interactions? With ubisend, create a chatbot to take some of the burdens away from your staff.
Programme your Facebook Workplace chatbot to answer questions about company policies, automate HR processes, and be there when your employees need it.
Every employee has one-to-one access to your chatbot directly from the Workplace app.
Get all the advantages of automation without the change management headache.
Picking Facebook Workplace as your company's collaborative tool is a deliberate and conscious choice. All communications must go through Workplace.
With ubisend, bring a chatbot to the communication environment your employees are already familiar with. Create a chatbot to automate question answering, employee processes, and workforce support; all through Facebook Workplace.
Deploying your chatbot on Workplace is as easy as a few clicks, making it instantly accessible to your entire workforce.